Monday, August 20, 2012

i moved back to salt lake

yep. its true.

a lot has happened since the tragic loss of my laptop in australia. the short version of whats happened since then? i moved home from perth and am back in salt lake city.


ive traveled over 14,324 miles (23,052 km) to get back. ive taken squillions of photos. i visited places most of you will never go to. i did it all with this guy and couldnt be any happier <3

turns out that i really like writing. which is really quite lucky for all you internet stalkers. i plan on retroactively word vomiting all my experiences since my laptop's untimely and tragic death. but until that are some big things that have been going on:

i got a new phone number!
which is totally weird since ive had the same one since 7th grade. i keep messing up and giving out the old one, or pulling the ratarded response where when asked, i completely blank and mouth breathe all while desperately trying to remember my new number. #spaz

i bought a car!
its a 2006 nissan xterra and i LOVE it! i can haul my mutts around, go camping with the bf, kick ass up the canyon in the snow, and freely run over any curbs that might get in my way. 

i moved in with shane!
yep. we live in sin together. and as far as sinning goes....its pretty wicked awesome. 

indy got a brother!
meet shane's dog weezy! such a sweetie. turns out, that our dogs didnt like each other. at all. haha. but after several "getting to know you" walks, park dates, and parent-forced play time on leashes, i think they, i mean tolerate each other. i give it a month before they are dog bff's, sniffing butts and digging holes together.

i dont have a job!
not sure if that one warranted an exclamation point or not, but i put one up anyway lol. end of summer is a bad time for an archaeologist to look for work. cant say i was too put off today looking at everyone's facebook posts about how much mondays suck. that might be the best part of being unemployed...mondays dont matter. they just sorta blend into a smear of days. the only downside (aside from being fashionably broke) is that i dont get the friday fuzzies. you know, where you're beyond stoked that its the weekend? everyday is a weekend. anyway, the job search continues. wish me luck :) 

all exciting things. im in the middle of moving/cleaning/painting and i really should be doing something productive instead frolicking on the internet. dont be jealous, you know you want to wash baseboards like me. all the cool kids are doing it?

excited to be back!



  1. Living in sin is indeed great fun, but I was hoping to hear more stories of adventure from down there. I was bummed to hear the laptop died. Did you ever see any dingos in the wilds? Any more stories of adventure?

    1. I still have all my stories from my trip around Australia. I'm definitely going to write about them, I just need to get the GD pictures off o Shane's phone! Lol stay tuned...

      Never saw a dingo in the wild tho. Totally disappointing

  2. What a lovely home and life <3 The west still calls my name.
